OER Publishing and Repositories - Working Groups
The Publishing and Repositories Working Group supports OER publishing and hosting needs across the diverse landscape of PA higher education, and encourages a community of practice to share skills and experience between mature OER publishing programs and developing or nascent ones.
The group will consider a variety of funding models to support and encourage development of OER publishing within Pennsylvania, including grant funds, cost-recovery models, and other approaches, as well as provide training and support related to acquiring and using OER publishing platforms.
Current roster
Aaron Dobbs, Professor & Library Department Chair, Shippensburg University
Jill Morris, Executive Director, PALCI
Barb Zaborowski, Dean of Library Services and Special Projects, Pennsylvania Highlands Community College
Bryan McGeary, Learning Design and Open Education Engagement Librarian, Penn State University (Working Group Co-Chair)
Jean Shumway, Associate Professor, Reference & Instruction Librarian, Butler County Community College (Working Group Co-Chair)
Megan Smith, Assistant Professor, Department Chair, Coordinator of Technical Services, East Stroudsburg University
Michael LaMagna, Professor of Library Services; Information Literacy Program & Library Services Coordinator, Delaware County Community College
Michelle Donlin, Scholarly Communication & Research Librarian, East Stroudsburg University